Everything Design | Website Agency Faqs

Last updated
August 23, 2024

What is the difference between Webflow and WordPress? 

Webflow and WordPress are two popular CMS platforms. WordPress has been around for a long time, while Webflow is relatively new. Many new-age B2B SaaS tech companies are moving to Webflow because it allows the marketing team to maintain the website easily. For example, if you want to change text, images, or speed, Webflow makes it simple.

Webflow is like a gated community; it includes hosting and security, so you don't need to worry about those things. Basic and intermediate features are available right off the shelf. On the other hand, WordPress offers more flexibility but comes with more challenges. You rely heavily on plugins, which can have compatibility issues, leading to a higher chance of the website breaking. This can result in lost business if your site goes down.

For large sites with over 10,000 pages needing lots of customizations, WordPress might be better. But for most startups and companies up to Series C or D level, Webflow is ideal for managing product pages or industry solutions. Another reason people prefer Webflow is its design flexibility. Good WordPress developers are hard to find, which can limit your design quality. Webflow offers a low-code, no-code environment with custom code capabilities for great designs.

Webflow has a design-centric drag-and-drop interface, perfect for most businesses. WordPress is more traditional with a vast library of themes and plugins. It's open-source, giving you greater backend control, which marketing or design teams usually don't need. If you have a full tech team, WordPress could work, but tech teams often prioritize product building over website maintenance.

Webflow uses a subscription-based model with single pricing that includes everything you need. WordPress itself is free but requires separate payments for hosting, security plugins, builders, and form submissions, making it expensive in the end. Most websites we work on use Webflow's CMS or business plans because they offer value for money with all benefits in one place.

In summary, many B2B companies prefer Webflow because it's easy to maintain and provides an aesthetically pleasing yet functional website. Building a website is one thing; maintaining it is another. Webflow makes it simple for marketing teams to make changes without relying on tech teams.

How hard is it to change an image or content after a webflow website is live?

It's very easy to change an image. You just replace it like you would in any other software. Changing text content is also simple if you're only editing the text. 

However, if you're adding more lines, you need to be careful about the layout. For example, if a paragraph had four lines and now has five, you might not have enough space, especially on mobile devices. So, while changing images with the same dimensions is easy, adding more text means you need to be a bit more careful. But overall, it's quite easy.

Can we add more product pages without taking the help of a developer or an agency for a Webflow website?

Yes, you can add more product pages without needing a developer or an agency, as long as the layout remains the same. If the new page is similar to what is already developed, you can duplicate the page, change the SEO details, content, and images. Now you have a new product page.

If you want to create a page from scratch with new design elements and layouts, you will need a Webflow developer or someone with good Webflow knowledge. However, if you are creating a new page using existing sections from other pages, you can copy and paste the layout sections you like.

If you have a basic understanding of Webflow and how classes work, it will be easy. Otherwise, you will need a Webflow developer. This task is less time-consuming if your website has a style guide created by us. A new developer must follow this style guide.

The point is not always to replace a Webflow developer or agency but to consider the time it takes. You might take half an hour to do something that a Webflow developer can do in five minutes. So consider if it's time-sensitive and what the cost is if something goes wrong.

You are working on a staging website, so unless you publish to the actual site, nothing will affect the live website. So yes, you can easily add more product pages as long as the layout is already in place.

What is a StyleGuide? How is it different from StyleScape or MoodBoard?

A StyleGuide is a set of standards that helps designers keep a website's design consistent. It includes details like type sizes, font sizes for headings and body text, brand colors, buttons, spacing, padding, and margins for different screen sizes. Getting the style guide right is crucial for a website project. Many developers don't do a good job with this, which can cause problems later on. If you make future changes or hand the website to someone else, they might not know how to make adjustments if everything is done haphazardly. A good developer always has a solid style guide in place from the start.

A Stylescape is mainly for visual design. It shows visual routes to clients using a collection of images or videos that include color, typography, graphic style, photography, motion, etc. The stylescape gives a clear idea of what the visual look of a website can be. It's used to convey creative direction and ensure alignment between the client and the design team. It's mostly inspiration-driven and doesn't contain original design work but examples of existing things in a collage format. This makes it easier for people not from a design background to understand the creative direction.

In contrast, a StyleGuide is set by designers but followed by developers to ensure all pages of a website look cohesive. This is especially important on platforms like Webflow where everything needs to be laid out consistently.

What is a brand book? 

A brand book, or brand guidelines, is a document that explains how to represent a brand visually and verbally. It includes rules for using the logo, color palette, typography, imagery, tone of voice, and examples of applications.

There is a big debate about how important a brand book is. If your brand is small and just starting out, a brand book might not be the first thing you need. You do need a logo and a tone of voice, but these can evolve over time. If the founder or leadership team still controls the brand, you might not need to write everything down right away.

When does a brand book become really important? If you have many stores across the country, you definitely need a solid brand book. You won't be there every time to tell people which colors to use or what the website should look like. With multiple people handling your brand, it can get diluted. A cohesive brand book helps keep everything consistent.

A brand's tone of voice refers to its choice of words when communicating with its audience. By defining a unique tone of voice, brands can develop an authentic personality and style. When multiple people handle your brand, it's your job to ensure they all use the same tone of voice.

For example, Apple's tone of voice is always innovative and sleek. Coca-Cola's is refreshing and uplifting. Nike's is motivational and empowering. During COVID-19, Clear Shampoo made an ad that was motivational and empowering. Many people thought it was from Nike because Clear Shampoo is not known for that tone.

If a brand suddenly changes its tone, it won't seem right. For instance, McDonald's has a friendly and inviting tone. Google's tone is informative and helpful. Disney's is magical and nostalgic. Ikea's is practical and accessible. Amazon's is reliable and customer-centric. Spotify's is trendy and dynamic. Lego's is creative and playful. Airbnb's is inclusive and community-focused. Red Bull's is energetic and adventurous. Patagonia's is value-driven and educational. Starbucks' is homey and welcoming. Netflix's is relatable and casual.

As your brand grows, the founder's personality influences it less directly, making the brand book very important. It ensures that everyone uses the same tone of voice, colors, imagery style, etc., so there is no confusion while working on the brand.

What are the parameters used to find companies for research while designing a web design? 

We start with references and benchmark competitors shared by the client. We also look at other direct and indirect competitors of the brands studied by our internal team.

Cross-industry learning comes from our extensive bank of benchmark websites and brands, based on the specific goals of the project. For example, if the main objective is to hire better talent, we have a bank of benchmark websites where the career page or communication is better. If the main goal is to increase brand awareness, the research focuses on that.

References can come from any industry, and benchmarks can be from any industry competitors—both direct and indirect. Indirect competitors might offer something similar but not exactly the same product or service. They become competitors because of the nature of their business.

Competitors are studied for various reasons. Sometimes, even if a competitor's website isn't great, it helps us understand business objectives like having an impressive website for updates, teasers, launches, or making an impression. Research parameters could include how credibility is built and represented or what an effective information architecture looks like.

Benchmarks can be based on how services are represented. This can depend on industry, company size, stage of the company, approach or methodology towards solutions, client engagement, global reach, or design style. Some designs are highly scalable; others are not needed if a website is small.

Other parameters include how a company achieved thought leadership or how different industries met certain requirements. We learn from websites that might not be connected to your industry at all. We also look at how other companies discuss their approach or methodology.

For example, when working with a service-based company, product companies' approaches might become differentiating factors. Content messaging clarity and showcasing team expertise are important too. This doesn’t always have to come from direct competitors; it can be from another website that represents team expertise well.

We also study use cases and case studies to see how offerings solve problems in other industries. These parameters make processes different even if they seem similar across websites.

For instance, we worked with a company transforming manufacturing digitally in casting scenarios. We found many benchmarks by looking at regions known for engineering excellence, like Germany. This helped us gain insights from companies that weren't direct competitors but were ahead in certain areas.

We also look at how bigger companies went through similar paths and sometimes examine how their websites used to look in the past.

Why are the charges for branding or websites so high? How are you different from another agency offering a cheaper solution or price? 

This is a question we often get asked. So, I'm going to play a video where one of our clients talks about why it costs so much and the advantages of working with us. 

When people come to an agency for a website, they often don't realize that getting a website up and running involves more than just design. First, you need to start with the overall strategy and messaging. You have to understand the product, who it's selling to, the industry, the competition, and how to stand out.

Clients often need help making their messaging clear and crisp. While many can handle visual design or UI/UX, defining the flow of information and customizing it so potential customers get a good feeling about the brand is crucial. A website's primary purpose is to leave an impression that makes visitors want to book a demo or contact the client.

Creating this impression requires time, effort, and skilled resources. That's why it costs more. It's an investment that pays off with better chances of bookings and conversions. Even if it's your first or second website, you need to think through every detail before writing each line.

Cheap designers might not do enduring work, leading to rework later. Investing in quality makes sense because bad homepage messaging often stems from deeper issues like copywriting problems or positioning problems. Figuring out the brand's positioning takes time and skill.

How is hosting handled in Webflow? 

Webflow hosting is managed by Webflow itself. It offers different plans: basic, CMS, business, and enterprise. Usually, you only need a CMS plan. Rarely, you might need to upgrade to a business plan. We haven't seen a need for the enterprise plan yet. The enterprise plan is for websites with over 400,000 visitors per month and lots of custom features, which is uncommon.

You can export your site and host it elsewhere, but the dynamic content or CMS won't work, so it's not recommended. Webflow websites are SEO-friendly. Their hosting is very fast, using AWS standard-based code, free SSL, and mobile-friendly design to help with search rankings. You can cancel the hosting plan anytime if needed.

Webflow is a low-code/no-code designer development platform that also offers competitive hosting services. It provides a comprehensive package that includes hosting. Security issues are handled by Webflow, ensuring maximum speed and safety. Its infrastructure works seamlessly with websites built using Webflow designer and editor.

Why should I choose Everything Design for a web design project? Are you the right fit for us?

Many clients ask why they should choose us and if we're the right fit for them. It's a tough question. One thing I recommend is to check out our existing projects and client testimonials, especially the video ones. Some are even half an hour long. If you're seriously considering us, you should watch these to understand how we work and deliver results.

We're not for everyone. A client once said that every client picks their partner based on alignment. So, it's important to see if our values match yours. Our testimonial videos are detailed and will give you a good idea of our process and what we care about.

We promise a solid process that creates clear, user-friendly websites. We focus on storytelling for your brand, not just your product. We understand branding well and manage projects efficiently, keeping you in the loop without any big, unexpected reveals.

Many websites are hard to navigate, filled with jargon, or have too much or too little content. You might have tried fixing this with your team or another agency and still feel lost. We can help with messaging, whether it's benefits or features, so you don't have to worry about it.

One marketing manager told us we understood their business better than many of their internal team members. Another person said we grasped what was being built in their company deeply. Imagine a team like ours giving you a glitch-free experience.

We cover everything a B2B brand needs: messaging, design, development, website maintenance, animations, SEO fundamentals, and creating conversion-optimized pages. We're right for you if you've achieved product-market fit and are in the growth stage but your current website isn't working.

Even if you're in an early stage and believe a good website and brand are crucial, we're a good fit. If you want to save time and focus on what you're great at while outsourcing other tasks or getting an external perspective, hire us. We're known for timely delivery.

We follow good work ethics, hire thoughtfully, and don't micromanage our team. But we're not right for you if you're very early in your journey and think branding is too expensive or if you need everything done in three weeks but take a week to give feedback with too many stakeholders involved.

For those looking for a top-notch B2B brand website explainer video, we have an excellent team that loves collaboration to create strong brands and better products.

At Everything Design, we champion a collaborative approach from the start. Our philosophy is simple: everything we create results from teamwork between our teams and clients. Instead of grand reveals, we follow an iterative, inclusive process that invites input at every stage.

We recognize no agency knows a client's brand as intimately as the client does. So it's logical to integrate the client's insights into the creative process. This dynamic enhances the final product and ensures it resonates with the brand's essence.

The future of branding lies in collaboration. We believe in combining our external perspective with the client's internal knowledge to drive innovation and push boundaries. Constructive feedback from clients significantly enhances the creative process.

If this sounds like what you're looking for, we'd love to collaborate with you and build your brand together.

Written on:
July 7, 2024
Reviewed by:
Prenitha Xavier

About Author

Prenitha Xavier

B2b Content Writer

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