Understanding the Modern Buyer's Journey & B2B Sales

Last updated
July 12, 2024

In today's digital-first environment, most b2b buyers are significantly informed and engaged with your brand before they ever interact directly with a salesperson. By the time they take a demo, they've likely consumed a variety of your content, from social posts and advertisements to newsletters, b2b case studies, blog posts, reviews, and webinars. This means potential prospects are typically about 70% convinced by the time they engage in a b2b sales conversation, that makes the sales pipeline interesting.

The role of a b2b Seller in Today's Market

**1. Close the Knowledge Gap:**
   - Your primary role as a seller is to bridge the remaining 30% gap between their current understanding and the decision to purchase.
   - This involves identifying and addressing any remaining doubts or questions that might prevent a prospect from fully committing to your solution.

**2. Tailor the Sales Approach:**
   - Personalize your approach based on the specific needs, industry, and context of the b2b buyer, your ICP. An ideal customer profile is an imaginary business representing the type of company that benefits the most from purchasing your product or service. Use your understanding of their journey and interactions with your content to align your sales pitch more closely with their expectations and needs.

**3. Provide Targeted Educational Resources:**
   - **Guides:** Offer practical guides on how to implement and optimize the use of your solution. This reassures buyers of the feasibility and support available.
   - **Case Studies:** Share relevant case studies of b2b customers with a similar profile or industry. This helps prospects visualize the potential outcomes and successes and they can relate to similar pain points.
   - **Competitor Comparisons:** Provide honest and direct comparisons with competitors. This transparency helps build trust and can clarify why your solution is the better choice.
   - **Strategic Blog Posts:** Supply blog posts or articles that discuss strategies surrounding the effective use of your solution, emphasizing thought leadership and expertise. Higher the average transaction value, all of this gets even more important in the buyer journey and buying process.

Sales as Consultative Selling

Act as a Business Consultant, not as b2b salespeople

 - Good sales isn't just about pushing a product to b2b buyers; it's about understanding the buyer's current position (Point A) and demonstrating how your solution can effectively take them to their desired outcome (Point B). B2b long sales cycles includes lead generation, building client relationships and multiple stakeholders.
   - Show the roadmap and potential hurdles along the journey, using your solution as the vehicle to reach their "magical promised land."

Importance of Customer Education

- **Educate to Empower:** Providing thorough education about your product not only helps in closing the immediate sale but also empowers the buyer to become a champion of your solution within their organization.
- **Build Relationships:** Effective education and useful resources can turn a one-time buyer into a loyal customer. It helps in building a relationship that goes beyond the sale.
- **Drive Decision Making:** Well-informed customers are more confident in their purchasing decisions. This can lead to quicker sales cycles and higher satisfaction rates.

In modern sales, the buyer is already well-informed by the time they engage with you. Your job as a seller is to provide a consultative experience that closes any gaps in their understanding, aligns your solution with their needs, and guides them towards making a confident decision. By focusing on education and tailored solutions, you transform the traditional sales role into that of a trusted advisor.

Sales Experience vs Industry Experience in b2b sales

The importance of sales experience over industry experience is both compelling and thought-provoking. Let’s delve into the nuances of this debate, considering both sides of the argument.

Industry Experience in b2b sales


1. **Faster Ramp-Up Time**: Employees familiar with the industry can quickly adapt to the company's specific processes, products, and market nuances, potentially leading to quicker results.

2. **Credibility with Clients**: Industry veterans can leverage their background to build trust and rapport with clients who value familiarity with their sector.

3. **Reduced Training Costs**: Organizations may save on training expenses, as industry-experienced hires require less onboarding and specific knowledge transfer.


1. **Narrow Focus**: Overemphasis on industry experience can lead to a homogenous workforce, potentially stifling innovation and diverse perspectives.

2. **Missed Talent**: Exceptional sales professionals from other industries might be overlooked, despite their transferable skills and potential to excel in new environments.

Sales Experience: The Case for Versatility


1. **Transferable Skills**: Strong sales skills—such as relationship building, negotiation, and closing—are highly transferable across industries. Great salespeople can adapt their techniques to different products or services.

2. **Fresh Perspectives**: Sales professionals from different industries can bring new ideas, strategies, and approaches, fostering innovation and creativity within the sales team.

3. **Sales Acumen**: True sales expertise, characterized by resilience, strategic thinking, and a customer-centric approach, often outweighs the need for specific industry knowledge.


1. **Initial Learning Curve**: Sales professionals new to an industry may take longer to understand the intricacies of the market, products, and client expectations.

2. **Perceived Credibility**: Clients might initially question the credibility of salespeople lacking industry-specific background, potentially impacting early interactions.

The Current Hiring Trend in b2b selling

With the focus on profitability and full-cycle responsibilities for Account Executives (AEs), companies are increasingly prioritizing industry experience. This is driven by the belief that industry-specific knowledge can expedite the onboarding process and lead to faster results, especially in high-stakes deals over $25,000 Annual Contract Value (ACV).

A fresh Perspective: A Counterpoint for b2b sales strategy

I argue that the current hiring practices are short-sighted, emphasizing the following:

1. **Fix Onboarding**: By investing in comprehensive onboarding programs, companies can equip talented sales professionals with the necessary industry knowledge, thus mitigating the initial learning curve.

2. **Prioritize Sales Talent**: Hiring top-tier sales professionals, regardless of industry experience, can lead to higher conversion rates and better overall performance. Exceptional salespeople possess inherent qualities and skills that can be adapted to any industry.

3. **Long-Term Gains**: While industry experience might offer short-term advantages, investing in strong sales talent promises sustainable growth and adaptability in the long run.

Final Thoughts

Both industry experience and sales experience have their merits in b2b sales reps. As we know, b2b sales cycle is long and non linear. However, I will emphasis on the importance of sales talent highlights a crucial aspect of the hiring process. Companies should balance the need for industry-specific knowledge with the undeniable value of exceptional sales skills. By refining onboarding processes and fostering a culture of continuous learning, organizations can harness the best of both worlds, ensuring robust b2b sales performance and long-term successful b2b sales

Written on:
May 14, 2024
Reviewed by:
Prenitha Xavier

About Author

Prenitha Xavier

B2b Content Writer

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